Bill Morris is a songwriter with his roots in the alpine dirt of New Zealand’sSouthh Island. His music strikes out for a new frontier of New Zealand folk music,drawing on influences from around the world. His songs are built on rawpoignancy, twisted humour and a literate heart. Bill grew up in the high countryof the South Island where he was raised on mountain air, bush poetry andcountry music. Lyrics and storytelling are key to his songs, whether folk songsof New Zealand’s past or travel-influenced narratives. His musical influencesrange widely, from songwriters like Kev Carmody, Paul Kelly, Lucinda Williams,Merle Haggard and Kris Kristofferson, to rap poets such as Nas. Bill’s self-produced debut album, “Mud” was released in 2012 and he is about to release his second album Hinterland