Chances to join in

Are you itching to join in? In 2024, Wellyfest has lots of opportunities for you to sing, dance and play along with others, or perform your music to a supportive audience.

See below for our scheduled ceilidhs, blackboard concerts, choir, singarounds, jam sessions and the liars’ lunch.

See the dance programme and workshop pages for more chances to take part in activities.


Welcome Ceilidh, hosted by Vicfolk

Friday 8pm, Fletcher Hall

A true ceilidh (some dancing, some tunes, a song or story or two) – not just a dance. A great way to start the weekend and get in the festival mood with Vicfolk.


Janet’s Jam

9:30am Saturday, Balladeer Tent 

A jam-along session led by the fabulous Janet Muggeridge – “world famous in the ‘naki”.  All instruments and playing levels welcome.

All Comers Singaround with Murray Kilpatrick

Saturday 10:30am Nelson Lounge

Murray will lead an open and inclusive singaround. Everyone invited, but not obliged, to take a turn with whatever style and instrumentation they choose. This is your opportunity to share your stuff with others in a supportive environment without the pressure of a stage or sound system. Murray runs the Pukerua Bay Folk Club and has encouraged many musicians to enjoy playing.

Festival Choir Rehearsal 1

Workshop/rehearsal 1 – Saturday 11:45am, Fletcher Hall 

(Workshop/rehearsal 2 will be held on Sunday 4:30pm in the Fletcher Hall, and the final performance on Sunday 6:00pm on the Balladeer Stage.)

Come along and be part of the Festival Choir. The leaders will work with all comers to add harmony and fun to selected songs that you’ll learn in 2 workshops over the 2 days of the festival. You then get to perform them on the Balladeer Stage to close the Sunday afternoon session.

Blackboard Concert 1

Saturday 4:30pm, Maire Hall

Your chance to knock out a couple of tunes. The board will go up about an hour before each session, so just jump in and write in your name (individuals or groups welcome, within reason).   Because these sessions are so popular we have a 2-song limit and we aim for a fast turnover between acts.  Please be there on time, tuned up, and ready to go, and keep introductions short and snappy.

A second Blackboard concert will be held at Sunday 9:30am in the Maire Hall.


Blackboard Concert 2

Sunday 9:30am, Maire Hall

Your chance to knock out a couple of tunes. The board will go up about an hour before each session, so just jump in and write in your name (individuals or groups welcome, within reason).   Because these sessions are so popular we have a 2 song limit and we aim for a fast turnover between acts.  Please be there on time, tuned up, and ready to go, and keep introductions short and snappy.

The Liars Lunch

Sunday 12:30 to 2:00pm, Balladeer Tent

All comers’ spoken word–Poetry and storytelling, hosted by Janette Wallace-Gedge.

All Comers Slow Tune Session with Vicfolk

Sunday 1:00pm, Nelson Lounge 

The slow session workshop is for people who would like to get together to play Traditional Irish tunes (jigs, reels, polkas, etc) at a more relaxed pace than a “regular” Irish Trad session in a pub. We will be playing commonly played Irish tunes, just not too fast. We play the same tune several times in a row, so even if you don’t know many tunes but can pick things up by ear you’ll have a good time. If you have been curious about what an Irish session is all about, and can play an instrument, bring it along and have a go.

Folk Ball – Le P’tit Bal d’Aotearoa – with Balfolk Wellington

Sunday 2:45pm, Fletcher Hall

A word play on “Le Grand Bal de l’Europe” in Gennetines which is one the largest balfolk festivals, this small Aotearoa ball will be an opportunity to experience group and partner dances accompanied by wonderful live music from Bernard Wells, Jonathan Berkahn, Simon Burgess, and Philippa Boy. All dances will be called and beginner friendly.

Festival Choir Rehearsal 2 and performance

Workshop/rehearsal 2 – Sunday 4:30pm Fletcher Hall

Performance – Sunday 6:00pm, Balladeer Stage

Come along and be part of the Festival Choir. The leaders will work with all comers to add harmony and fun to selected songs that you’ll learn in 2 workshops over the 2 days of the festival. You then get to perform them on the Balladeer Stage to close the Sunday afternoon session.