Kia ora koutou,
Planning is full steam ahead for the 2023 Wellington Folk Festival. The committee are already working through guest applications – and we have plenty to choose from.
The next major event is the AGM
We have been operating with a full committee in the last year but a few of us are looking to step down this year. We expect to have 3 or more vacancies on the committee and I know we have some new folks interested in accepting nomination.
We have potential nominees for:
- President – I’ve decided it’s time to make way for new ideas (and reclaim some flexibility in my life).
- 2 other committee members (+myself if the AGM would value my involvement for continuity)
Skills we’re looking for in new committee members include:
- Jan Barnes – our current secretary has expressed a preference to step down so if anyone wishes to pick up that role (minutes, meeting planning, records management) we’d love to hear from you.
- Engagement with the younger music scene – the great stuff that happens outside the “traditional” folk club circuit.
- Practical coordination skills to manage the volunteer and/or contracted teams that look after the festival gate, registrations, cash takings, security; and site hygiene.
Nominees for committee need to agree to accept nomination so if the nominee cannot attend the AGM we will need their agreement to be nominated in writing and in advance. Please send nominations (or enquiries or expressions of interest) to me by replying to this email.
To vote at the meeting you need to have paid the annual membership subs ($1). Subs can be paid on the day at the start of the meeting – Preferably in cash.
To provide a safe and accessible AGM we have again elected to use the Cancer Society offices in Ranchhod Tower, central Wellington. Access is from the Terrace and we’ll make sure someone is there with an access card to let you up to our floor.
The Cancer Society Board room has professional videoconferencing equipment so we can hold the meeting by zoom for those out of town or unable to attend in person.
The formal notice follows…
Notice of Annual General Meeting – Wellington Regional Folk Foundation Inc
Date: Sunday, 19 March 2023
Time: 2pm
Where: Cancer Society of New Zealand National Office, L6 – 39 The Terrace, Wellington
or by zoom: Cancer ZOOM Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: WRFF Annual General Meeting
Time: Mar 19, 2023 02:00 PM Auckland, Wellington
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 8971 5277
Passcode: 395553
- Present
- Apologies
- Minutes of the 2022 AGM
- Matters Arising (not covered elsewhere in the agenda)
- President’s report
- 2022 Performance Report including Annual Financial Statements
- Election of the committee:
- a. President
b. Treasurer
c. Secretary
d. Committee members (up to 7)
- Appointment of the Reviewer
- Setting of the subscription
- General business
Please note that if you wish to nominate someone for a committee role who is NOT able to be present at the meeting, you will need to bring with you written confirmation (an email will do) of their willingness to stand.