Finally we have a location for the AGM on Sunday.
Big thanks you to Maia and Karen for seeking out a suitable venue for the meeting and University Recreation for coming to the party 🙂
The AGM will be held this Sunday afternoon ( 24th March)
Location : Victoria University Tennis Pavilion , 65 Salamanca Rd
Kicking off at 2 pm
(vic tennis on the map )

We will also be setting up a zoom call for those that cannot attend in person
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 6083 4467
Passcode: 873360
Calling Nominees
Would you like to share your voice and mahi on our committee this year? Ask someone to nominate you! Nominees for committee need to agree to accept a nomination. If the nominee cannot attend the AGM, we will need their agreement to be nominated in writing and in advance. Please send nominations (or enquiries or expressions of interest) to me by replying to this email.
To vote at the meeting you need to have paid the annual membership subs ($1). Subs can be paid on the day at the start of the meeting – Preferably in cash.
Would you like to help out, but the idea of formal committee commitment doesn’t work for you?
We are also looking for folk who are willing to help out with planning, publicity, organisational or administrative tasks on the working groups during the year. There are many areas where you might offer your skills, special talent and magic powers!
Do you have an interest in areas such as, communication and marketing, managing and organising people tasks and rosters, project co-ordination, graphic design , music management, Website and IT skills, or are you an admin junkie? Would you like to help on the Youth Gathering? Let us know. We’d love to have you aboard! J
Last year we introduced Miro, an on-line collaborative whiteboard that lays out the whole festival onto a single canvas. Everyone can work in their own groups and see the whole festival at a glance. In the spirit of collaboration, we welcome nominees and volunteers to join in the fun!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Nga mihi
Tony Burt