New Committee

The AGM held on Sunday, 29 March elected a new committee for 2020.

President – Gerard Hudson
Secretary – Jude Madill
Treasurer – Sarah Duckworth
Committee – Simon Bishop, Dominic Rowsell, Kevin Ikin, Don Mackay, Dusty Burnell, Ruth Birnie, Sue Harkness

AGM Now to be Held via Skype

New Zealand will move to Stage 4 of the Covid-19 alert system from this Wednesday, 25 March.  That means that all non-essential businesses (like The Office) must close and that ALL New Zealanders must self isolate for at least four weeks.

So we can’t hold a standard AGM where we meet in person.  But our constitution requires that we do hold an AGM before 31 March.

Fortunately, we can meet up in the Cloud.  If you would like to join a Skype-based meeting, please email, cc to,  with your Skype ID before 10am on Sunday 29 March and Sue will give you a “wave” on Skype and email you the papers we would normally table.  We need a quorum of ten people to meet up on Skype and the committee has a significant proportion of this number.  But the more, the Merrier.

Many of the current committee have indicated that they are willing to continue but we are definitely looking for someone to take over as secretary so that Dave can enjoy his new campervan.

We’re working through this

Sue and the Committee

AGM – 3.30pm Sunday, 29 March

Notice of Annual General Meeting – Wellington Regional Folk Foundation Inc

Date:    Sunday, 29 March 2020
Time:    3.30pm
Where: Upstairs at The Office Bar, 124 Riddiford St, Newtwon


  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of the 2019 AGM
  4. Matters Arising (not covered elsewhere in the agenda)
  5. President’s report
  6. Treasurer’s report
  7. Election of the committee:
    1. President
    2. Treasurer
    3. Secretary
    4. Committee members (up to 7)
  8. Appointment of the Reviewer
  9. Setting of the subscription
  10. Proposed rule changes
  11. General business

Please note that if you wish to nominate someone for a committee role who is NOT able to be present at the meeting, you will need to bring with you written confirmation (an email will do) of their willingness to stand.

 Notice of Proposed Rule changes

The Constitution of the Foundation contains references to communication methods that are outdated (eg fax) with no references to online and email methods and no reference to electronic banking.  The rules have been modified slightly to reflect the current situation.

Constitution of the Wellington Regional Folk Foundation – updated 2020.