Free & Frank – Putting the Rock in Bureaucracy
Formed 3 years ago at the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, the Free & Frank ukulele group plays all their songs in the keys of F, U, and N! While the group has its musical roots in Wellington its repertoire includes songs from across New Zealand and around the globe. Many focus on living and working in the capital city (Lambton Quay Blues, Hutt Valley Girl, Tooting In The Tunnel) and parodies, originals and covers are all included in the band’s easy listening folk/pop lineup.
Murray Costello (ukulele/bass), Martin Durrant (drums/percussion), Brent Ellis (ukulele), Tamzin Linnell (ukulele), Helen McCracken (ukulele), Fiona Roberton (ukulele), Karen Ross (ukulele), Brendan Quinlivan (ukulele), Peter Ramage (ukulele), Christine Seymour (vocals), Tim Thorpe (ukulele/penny whistle), Matewai Tukapua (ukulele), Jeremy Winter (ukulele).