Fiddlesticks Return Home
And happy to be so, surrounded in green bush, kiwi accents and wonderful tasting vegetables!
We have loved our 16 years in Australia and cherished the many challenges presented with music, partnerships, and influences.
Some of the highlights were :- The first 5 years we performed and toured for “QLD Arts Council”, while living in Brisbane we helped set up the “Brisbane Celtic Fiddle Club”. For 7 years we founded and directed the “Sunshine Fiddle Camp”. 2018 we ran the “Fiddlers Rally” at the National Folk Festival and have been members of the “Hjaltibonhoga Fiddlers” in the Edinburgh Tattoo the 2 times it has toured Australia.
Our last 6 years saw us settle in the NT surrounded by music culture and opportunity. Karen worked as a strings teacher also founding and running the Desert Fiddle Club. “Fiddlesticks” continued as a four-piece band, playing weekly at a local recycle café (seemed fitting ☺). As well Jacko found a new passion in Klezmer music and Karen formed a duo called “Wee Bit” revisiting her cultural influence of Trad Scottish Music with Marg Collins.
Marg Collins a much in demand Alice Springs keyboard / piano accordion and flute player, also played in the Klezmer group with Jacko and is Karen’s Duo partner in “Wee Bit”. We are excited to have Marg join Fiddlesticks for the Wellington Folk Festival 2022.