As always, we have a very full programme. There will be multiple opportunities to listen, perform, dance or learn, as you wish, plus plenty of chances to jam with friends old and new. Click here to download a copy of the programme. (Please note that the committee reserves the right to amend this if required.)
Or listen to more information about the programme on a couple of Access Radio shows we have created.
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Over the weekend, you will be able to:
- to the guests perform in their feature concerts or the showcases on Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening
- the President’s Invitation Concert on Saturday evening
- to the invitation sets in The Balladeer (our café stage)
- to the performers in the Blackboard concerts.
Perform in:
- one of our Blackboard (open mic) concerts
- the allcomers’ singaround
- the Saturday night singing session
- your poems at the Poetry Slam on Sunday
- Sunday’s New Zealand Tradition Bearers session (NZ songs only please).
- at the Welcome Ceilidh on Friday evening
- at the Saturday night celidh dance
- at the Sunday night after-concert dance
- at one or more of the six dance workshops.
- to sing as part of the Festival choir
- new techniques or instruments at one of the workshops, whether for beginners or experienced musicians
- to write songs or poetry
- new dances as part of the dance programme
- about specific topics – accompaniment, Captain James Cook, women’s experiences of immigration to Australia.