Applications for the Joan Prior Award have now closed.
After a break last year, the Festival is again hosting the Joan Prior Award for young performers again, in partnership with the Award organisers, Acoustic Routes.
The award is open to:
- solo or duo performers aged from 15 to 25 on September 30, 2018, resident in the Wellington region (the area covered by Wellington Regional Council and Kapiti and Horowhenua Districts)
- singers and instrumentalists
- performers of traditional as well as contemporary and original material.
The judges will be looking for material that fits the range of acoustic music that is played at folk clubs and festivals. There will be a single concert at the festival , where entrants will perform before a panel of three judges appointed by the Acoustic Routes committee who will select the winner.
The concert will be on the afternoon of Saturday 20 October, 2018. Entrants may be accompanied by a non-entrant of any age.
Note: To take part in the concert, you’ll need to attend the festival. Normal festival entry costs will apply. Either a full weekend or relevant day pass will need to be purchased by entrants and anyone else attending.
The prize is a cheque of $500 for the winner, paid by Acoustic Routes.