Helen grew up in Hexham
shire, in Northumberland, England. She emigrated to New Zealand 20 years ago and brought her musical heritage with her. She has been enthusiastically sharing it ever since and has performed in New Zealand, Australia and Britain, including The Australian National Folk Festival and Whitby Folk Week. Helen is president of the New Zealand Northumbrian Pipers’ Society and has been awarded honorary membership of the British NPS in recognition of her work in promoting the smallpipes and teaching new players.

Helen sings, recites, and plays the Northumbrian Smallpipes with an infectious humour. Her songs range from very ancient to almost new and touch on all the human emotions: cry about loss, laugh about love, suffer with those who struggle, celebrate with those who triumph. The tunes will make you want to dance, tap your feet, smile or remember special moments.
Songs and instruments from other cultures also feature in Helen’s concerts, which combine a unique mix of influences. No two performances at the festival will be alike, as Helen has a wide repertoire of music to share with her audiences. Come to Helen’s concerts and be transported to a land where Northumbrian tradition gels with the harsh Australian outback, the grandueur of New Zealand scenery and lilting Maori love songs.