Village Green

In addition to the programme of concerts, workshops, dances and other events, the Festival also runs Village Green, where stallholders whose products we think will be of interest to Festival goers come and sell their wares.

This year we have the following stalls booked for Village Green, so bring your cash – they won’t have EFTPOS!

Graham “Bones” Hurlock (Barebones) Folk instruments
Susan & Stuart Henderson Fruitscoop gelato
Su Keates Silver jewellery & handmade books
Peter Scott House truck design
Hester de Ruiter Fabric products
Peter Madill Luthier
Dianne Madill CD sales
Sophie Taptiklis Vegan food stall
Annie Keir Stone carving
Mara Schmidt Wooden spoons
Greta Biggs Sheep spun hats
Yee Lee Lau Sound healing and massage
Anna Lee Anderson Crystal macramé necklaces
Nomie Julian Massage therapy/face painting
Eric and Annette Cairns Wood turning
Jack Mackenzie Luthier
Rebecca Hardie Boys Ginger beer
Bob Belfunbi
TradeAid Coffee, chocolate and trade aid items