Lost Property

We have quite a bit of lost property from the Festival. Cast your eye over this list and if there’s anything of yours, please contact us at info@wellingtonfolkfestival.org.nz to make arrangements to collect it.

Anything not collected by mid-December will be donated to the local Hospice Op Shop.

Portable lantern (grey)
Plastic Chopping Board
Guitar stand (2 – different types)
Pink embroidered scarf
Glassons Top – size S, orange
Peltor Earmuffs
Tin mug
Water glass with yellow pattern
LED head torch
Two pairs of glasses (pink and yellow frames)
Pair sunglasses (blue frames)
Glasses case – red, much mended
Blue, hand knitted hat
Pair grey knitted gloves
Lumix lens cap
2 x plastic coffee mugs – white with coloured stripes
Ministry of Inspiration water bottle – yellow
Hat -greenish grey with wide stiffened brim
Navy jacket with red fleecy lining – BLA
Brown corduroy jacket – Cabela’s Outfitter series
Pink knitted beanie
Light grey knitted beanie
Light grey long scarf
Black long scarf
Dark brown knitted beanie – Zoya badge
Blue/green tartan rug
Betacraft green/yellow tartan jacket (holes in pockets)
Garage plus faux fur jack – camel colour
Dark grey knitted beanie

Thank you one and all!

A huge thanks to everyone involved over the weekend. Performers, audience and volunteers alike – you are all wonderful and contribute to an absolutely fantastic event.

We’ll have a (very) brief rest before planning starts for 2020.

It might be cloudy overhead …

But it’s not raining here and the music is getting even hotter.

Just had a blinder of a set from Jenny Mitchell who’s on again in tonight’s show as well.

Looking forward to Grumblewood , Jessie Fenton and The Siffy Rivetts this afternoon. And then Across the Great Divide, Jenny, The Good Girl Song Project, The Chaps and Victoria Vigenser and Lindsay Martin tonight.

Plenty of tickets still, so come on out th Brookfield and join us.

The sun is shining …

The music is hot, the beer is cold and we’ve got a wonderful line up of concerts, workshops, performances in The Balladeer and dances to fill your day and/or evening.

Day and evening tickets available at the gate. EFTPOS for ticket sales only – bring cash for everything else.

Come and join us.

Programme change

With great regret, we have to announce that Richard Grainger will not be coming to the Festival. Richard, unfortunately, has a family emergency back home in the UK and is not able to travel at this time.

The Committee is considering options for the programme.

On-line Ticket Sales closing …

On-line ticket sales close today. This is to give our volunteer team the chance to pull together the registration packs for the Festival.

But if you haven’t bought a ticket yet, don’t panic – there will still be plenty of tickets (both weekend and day passes) available at the gate, from 3.00pm on Friday, 25 October.