Notice of AGM

Notice of Annual General Meeting – Wellington Regional Folk Foundation Inc

Date:    Sunday, 24 March 2019
Time:    3.00pm
Where: Upstairs room, Sprig & Fern, Tinakori Rd, Wellington


  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of the 2018 AGM
  4. Matters Arising (not covered elsewhere in the agenda)
  5. President’s report
  6. Treasurer’s report
  7. Election of the committee:
    • a. President
    • b. Treasurer
    • c. Secretary
    • d. Committee members (up to 7)
  8. Appointment of the Reviewer
  9. Setting of the subscription
  10. Proposed rule change
  11. General business

Note that if you wish to nominate someone for a committee role who is NOT able to be present at the meeting, you will need to bring with you written confirmation (an email will do) of their willingness to stand.

Notice of Proposed Rule change

Currently, the AGM sets the subscription fee that is payable for the current financial year.  Most members pay their membership fee at the AGM in order to enable them to vote.  However, since the setting of the subscription follows the majority of the AGM business, this can cause confusion and problems.

Rule 8 of the constitution currently says:


A   The Society’s financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December inclusive

B   Subscription rates for each year are set by the Annual General Meeting in that year on the recommendation of the outgoing Committee, though the meeting does not have to follow that recommendation.   They become due immediately they are set.

To clarify matters, it is proposed to amend section B as follows:

B   Subscription rates are set for the following year by the Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of the outgoing Committee, though the meeting does not have to follow that recommendation.   They become due on 1 January of the year following the date on which they were set.  Payment at any point between 1 January and the start of the AGM entitles the member to vote at the AGM.