Youth programme

We at Wellyfest have always been proud of our programme to share our musical traditions with the musicians of tomorrow – our children and youth.

This year, the programme is being led by RhodeWorks who were such popular guests in 2016 that we’ve invited them back.

They will run four workshops over the weekend and host the By and For Our Youth concert on Sunday.

Workshop 1:  The boys will teach a song to the workshop participants – singers and musicians of all levels are encouraged to come and join in.  Each instrument group will have the opportunity to play a “break”, either as a group or on their own.  Singers are especially encouraged to come along and add some beautiful harmonies.  The resulting collaboration will be performed at the By and for Our Youth Concert.

Workshop 2:  This will be a song writing workshop, covering the process of creating music and lyrics and what works for different songwriters.  Songwriters of all ages are encouraged.  Sam wrote his first song (Somersaults) when he was 7 yrs.  Everyone will be working on a song together.  The resulting song will be performed at the By and for Our Youth Concert.

Workshop 3:  This workshop will cover the process of putting a band together and working together to perform songs/tunes together.  The workshop participants will bring their own music to this workshop and the workshop group will work on bringing different instruments together to back them.  This will be a very inclusive workshop involving everyone working together with the guidance of the RhodeWorks team.  The resulting “bands” will perform together at the By and for Our Youth Concert.

Workshop 4:  Everyone will review the music from the previous workshops and get polished for the Concert.  This workshop will be an opportunity for people who haven’t made it to previous workshops to come and join in.