Your chance to perform

As always, there will be plenty of opportunities for people to perform at the festival. We have:

  • a welcome ceilidh – some songs, some tunes, maybe a dance or two – on Friday evening – hosted by Kevin Ikin of The Jimmies
  • 3 hours of blackboard concerts
  • a singaround for all comers on Saturday afternoon, hosted by Murray Kilpatrick or Pukerua Bay Folk Club
  • a New Zealand tradition bearers’ session on Sunday afternoon featuring songs that evoke the idiom, places, landscapes, history, yarns of Aotearoa/NZ, hosted by Niels Gedge
  • our famous invitation concert on Saturday night hosted by festival guests, Catgut & Steel
  • and The Balladeer running for the whole weekend.

Friday night in The Balladeer is pre-booked to ensure that we have a great welcome line up but performances over Saturday and Sunday are arranged during the Festival, featuring those who are on site.  The first two hours each day feature Wellington region talent hosted by our local folk clubs but, if you would like to perform at another time in the weekend, see Balladeer organiser, Jude Madill.