We’ve had a lot of good responses, but we’d like more to help us plan the next Festival. Our feedback survey is still available – until 30 November 2014 only – by clicking here.
Month: November 2014
Looking for your feedback
The Committee is looking for your feedback on the 2014 Festival to help us plan for the next one.
We’ve created a short anonymous survey where you can tell us what you thought and how we can improve things for you. The survey will be available until 30 November 2014 only by clicking here.
And even more items looking for their owner
Blue jacket for age 10 yrs Name inside J Hulme-Moir
Purple Jacket – Sprayway – size large
pink beanie with green stripes
set of tent poles left in lower kitchen
Please contact Peter Whiting through registrations@wellingtonfolkfestival.org.nz to be reunited with your belongings.