Ticket sales update

We have been getting a few enquiries by email about ticket sales.
Tickets go on sale via the website on 15 August for weekend tickets and bunk bookings.
Prices for tickets this year have had to go up a little but we have tried our best to keep them realistic.Take advantage of the substantialEarlybird discounts, and don’t forget that, if you want a bunk, you will need to be in quick.If you want to book as a teen and are not part of a family group you will need to arrange for someone to act as your responsible adult – this person (who must be 25 or over) has to agree and book and pay for their ticket before yours can be confirmed
Early bird (booked and paid for by 30 September)
Adult $         115.00
Teens (15-18 with school ID only) $           60.00
Children (5 – 14) $           40.00
Children < 5 free
Bunks $           50.00
Gate prices
Adult $         145.00
Community Services card $         115.00
Teens (15-18 with school ID only) $           80.00
Children (5 – 14) $           50.00
Children < 5 free

Coming soon – People’s choice competition

Can you see yourself on stage at Wellington Folk Festival in October at Labour Weekend?  Get the video of your performance ready so you can enter the competition.  The rules are really simple – main rule – anyone can enter unless you’ve played a paying gig at Wellington Folk Festival previously.  Your video must have all your performers in it and only the performers who would play at the Festival if you win.  What do you win?  A concert at Wellington Folk Festival this Labour Weekend, you’ll get paid to play and all the performers will get free entrance for the weekend. 

More information to follow – but get your video ready to upload and like our Facebook page. 

The perfect guest for the 50th Wellyfest – Mike Harding

14-TDN-CBmhmMIKE HARDING ; a musical storyteller at ease with his instrument, his audience and his mission to sing the songs of the present and the past, taking us from our folk roots to where we are now.

KIWIMUSICANA ; a solo, acoustic performance of songs from the lighter side of Kiwi ‘culture’, the daggier end of homegrown wit. Songs from small towns and back-country roads, from the radio and the rodeo, the city and the shed. Love-songs,  pub-songs, pop-songs, dog-songs, Down-the-Hall-on-Saturday-Night songs.  Songs from the Kiwi songwriters who have helped at us to laugh at and love ourselves and where we live.

Once again road time –  Kiwimusicana  and Mike doing what he does best, songs of home with humour and affection, spontaneity and skill. Celebrating New Zealand, its people and their stories.