Come on out for a fantastic weekend

Loren and Mark Mark and Loren – guitar picking at it’s finest join us for a Master class on Sunday, or their concert and the main concert. Just one of the many performers at Wellyfest Tonight – Join us for the welcome ceilidh – a traditional old style ceilidh with called dancing (i.e. you practice the steps then the caller reminds you what to do throughout the dance) or for the less energetic the Balladeer has live performances from 7pm and cafe style dining all evening. Tickets at the gate cash only: Adults $140 for the weekend, teens $75, Child (-15) $50 under 5 free.

Tomorrow (Sat) workshops and concerts begin at 10am – day pass (until 6.30pm) adults/teens $50 kids $10, Evening pass – Sat Ceilidh Adults/teens $25/kids $10, Sunday night main concert – adults/teens $40, kids $10. (site entry from 4.30pm so come up and have dinner)

Tickets from the Gate only

We’ve closed our online bookings for this year, but don’t worry – tickets will still be available from the gate.

You can buy  day tickets and passes for the whole weekend.  Prices are here.

Just two things to remember:

  • the gate will not be open until 3pm on Friday.  Please don’t try to get in any earlier – we need to keep the access free for crew to do the Festival set up.
  • ticket sales at the gate are strictly cash or cheques only.  There are NO EFTPOS facilities on site.

See you all at the Festival.