2012 was wonderful – a great time had by all – now onto 2013

We all had a wonderful festival in October 2012 – some of our guest performers were heard to say it was the most friendly festival they’ve ever attended.  The advantage of being a small festival is that you get to meet people and play music with them.  An enduring picture in my head is of Martha (of WhiteTop Mountaineers) sitting with the circle who just didn’t want to go home on Monday morning having a blast playing old style Mountain music with everyone joining in.  Ahhhh it was the best fun with our wellies on at Labour weekend.

you can see pictures at http://www.flickr.com/photos/26101193@N04/collections/

or http://www.flickr.com/photos/musogerard/sets/72157631862075773/

and on https://www.facebook.com/Wellyfest

It was windy and sometimes a bit damp, but all the gigs were inside and people took advantage of the sun to play in the courtyards too.

And now to plan next year! Your committee has had the debrief meeting and it’s all on again……